Well, its been a while, eh? Since my last post, I've applied to vet school and been rejected by most of them.
I interviewed at A&M and Kansas State. A&M rejected me for a second time, but I made the alternate list for Kansas State! Truth be told, I like KState's program better and the people there are really nice. Plus, it would be a good change of scenery. If I went to A&M, I'd be closer to family, but I would also be in College Station for a total of 9 year (5 down, 4 to go) and that would make me here for a 3rd of my life by the time I got out. As much as going to vet school is my dream, I'm not sure I would be happy at A&M anyway.
I am also on the alternate list for Michigan State and waiting to hear back from Oklahoma State. As much as I don't want to live in Michigan at all (let alone for 4 years), they have a good program and nice facilities so I'll take what I can get. If I get into Oklahoma State, I will obviously go! Its the closest to home out of any of the schools I have left in the running and its almost 10k cheaper per year than KState and Michigan State. Obviously, I will go wherever accepts me. I think I have pretty good chances of getting in to KState off the alternate list as they usually go pretty far (if not completely) down the list and most people who were accepted out of state will get into their in-state school and opt for the cheaper tuition. Better for me!
In other news, I've been dealing with a lot of personal issues. I think I'm finally to the point where its not affecting my life as much, but my grades took a big hit last semester and I'm trying to keep them from doing so this semester too. We'll see how that turns out. If I don't get into vet school this year, I will definitely have my work cut out for me.
I quit my job. My last day is this coming Friday. I appreciated that they gave me a job, but it wasn't ideal for my life in many ways and I think having that much less stress on me right now will be good for my grades.
I think I will try to keep up with this more often. Its a little bit like therapy where I get to just write down everything I'm feeling and whats on my mind.
I didn't even know you had a blg til the other night. I'm glad. Keep writing. I love you.
On another note, check out this blog.