Thursday, July 21, 2011

Life Changes

What has 2 thumbs and made an A in pediatrics? THIS GUY!
I did it. I tamed the beast that kills many people's 4.0 in nursing school. I didn't have a 4.0 to ruin anyway, but it makes me feel good that I accomplished my goal!

Anyway, on top of reaching that goal, I have started a new goal. I am starting to work out and eat better. I'm attempting to avoid really sugary, unnecessary foods and drinks (with the occasional exception). I bought vegetables and fruit! (GASP!) Also, the past 2 days I have gone to the UTMB Field House to work out. I do the cross-fit setting on the elliptical machine for 35ish minutes and then hop on the rowing machine for another 10 minutes. Today I burned, in theory, around 450 calories. Nice! The most amazing part of working out... is that it helps with my insomnia! Last night I was tired and so I went to bed at 12:30am. That is pretty much unheard of for me.

Let's see how long I can keep this up.

1 comment:

  1. Yayyy Todd!! Congrats on the A and best of luck in the healthy eating endeavors!! Let's play soon please.
